Sign up for a GoGet account and connect with over 32,0000 skilled and reliable GoGetters! Here's how you can easily sign up and get started.
Step 1
Let’s get to know you better! Fill in your personal details, which will be kept confidential.
Select 'Personal' as your nature of usage if your primary intention is to engage GoGetters as extra hands for your home & life.
Select 'Business' as your nature of usage if your primary intention is to hire GoGetters to help as part timers for your business.
Step 2
Share something about yourself and earn a ‘Verified’ user badge by clicking on the ‘Update profile’ button. Write a brief description of who you are or what your business does.
💡 Did you know that Verified GoGet profiles get matched even faster?
Step 3
Once you have updated your profile picture and written a short description, proceed to verify your identity by clicking on "Verify now" button. The Verification process usually takes 1-3 minutes, but might also take up to 2 days. You will be notified once it’s completed.
Get your account verified by following these quick steps and redeem an exclusive promo code!
Example of a verified GoGet profile.
Once your account has been verified, click 'Redeem now' to claim your promo code.
What to do if my Verification is unsuccessful?
If your verification fails, depending on the error message that appears, you can either retry the process or reach out to the GoGet admin team here and we will assist you.
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