Did you know that Verified GoGet profiles get matched even faster?
Here are 5 benefits of becoming a verified GoGet user:
✅ Establish credibility as a job poster
✅ Proof of authenticity
✅ Help us maintain a secure and safe GoGet community
✅ Jobs are matched faster
✅ Enjoy seamless job posting
Here's a quick guide on how to become a verified user.
Enhance your GoGet experience by allowing us to get to know you more and cater to your needs better.
If you already are an existing GoGet user,
Once you log into your account, a pop up will automatically show up which you can simply fill up.
If you are a new GoGet user,
Once you have successfully posted your first job, fill up the pop up with your preferred services for us to tailor a better experience for you.
If you selected Personal usage, this is what you will see:
If you selected Business usage, this is what you will see:
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