Yes! We provide proof of delivery for all our dispatch jobs. This means that you will have photos of the delivery and the recipient details.
This feature is available for 'Premium', 'Standard', 'Same-day' and 'Bulk Upload' dispatch and is available once the delivery is completed. For bulk upload dispatch, please make sure you are viewing the job details from the new GoGet site to retrieve the proof of delivery.
For web view:
1. Go to "My jobs" for the job you would like to view.
2. Click on the completed job and review the proof of delivery by clicking the recipient details and attachment.
3. You can click on the image to have a larger view and also to download the attachment.
For mobile view:
1. Go to "My jobs" for the job you would like to view.
2. Click on the completed job and review the proof of delivery by clicking the recipient details and attachment.
3. You can click on the image to have a larger view and also to download the attachment.
To turn on proof of delivery for each order, click here to learn more.
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